
This designates that a single word is a reference to a single word. To show TWiki that it should be linked to, write a dot before it.

Hence if you have the WikiWord Ontology you can link to it as .Ontology

In fact, you can already force a single word link to a WikiWord by enclosing it in double square brackets, like this: .Ontology?

This plugin allows you to write it without the square brackets.

The syntax was chosen to be an extension of the Web.Topic syntax


Written as Test If it is installed properly you see If it isn't, you will see
.Singleword .Singleword Singleword? .Singleword

Syntax Rules(none)


Plugin Installation Instructions

* To install this plug-in you must install this topic and the .pm file.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: MartinCleaver?
Plugin Version: 28 Nov 2001
Change History: none
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Plugin Home:

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin

-- MartinCleaver? - 28 Nov 2001